Introducing how to sort tasks for roommates

Zillow estimates that 30% of adults in the US live with a roommate to lower costs. This trend sometimes skews even higher in urban areas like Los Angeles and New York City where more than 46% of adults live with roommates. While living with a roommate might make paying rent easier, it doesn’t always simplify move-in for onsite teams.

Roommates will often divvy up required move-in tasks since most tasks need to be completed only once per unit. Roommate A takes care of renters insurance (and making sure everyone is listed) while Roommate B handles scheduling the loading dock. For onsite teams, coordinating the move-in for roommates can be additionally complicated as they juggle communicating with  multiple people to figure out which tasks have been completed and which remain outstanding. 

Today we’re pleased to launch a new feature which will allow onsite teams to group roommates together in the Updater app making it easier than ever to keep track of move-in tasks. Our roommate feature allows onsite teams to:

  • Easily group roommates to streamline move-in tasks by unit 
  • Instantly know which residents are living with roommates and which aren’t  
  • Reduce resident confusion by allowing roommates to select if a task has been completed by someone else in the Updater app. 

The roommate feature is now available to help streamline the following tasks:

  • Renter’s Insurance
  • Move-in Costs
  • Security Deposit Alternative
  • Utilities

Our roommate feature will help streamline the move-in process for onsite teams and limit confusion for residents who are coordinating their move with others. 
Learn how to use the roommate feature and start using the feature in your dashboard.