30 Tried and True Moving Tips

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Moving is typically difficult, stressful, overwhelming… the list goes on and on. But, it doesn’t have to be! With the right preparation (and mindset!), you, too, can simplify the moving process.
The team here at Updater has handled a lot of moves, so we’ve gone ahead an compiled 30 of our very best, tried and true moving tips to help you prepare for – and make it through – moving day:
1. GET RID OF EVERYTHING: Obvious, but necessary. One of the most important things to do when moving is to cleanse. Think green juices and raw veggies are the only kind of cleanse? Think again! It’s time to get rid of that outfit that you think you’ll need one day, or that couch you’ve had since college. If you don’t use it every week or absolutely love it, it’s time to get rid of it.
2. Donate: Schedule a donation pick up a few days before your move. That way, all of the items you no longer need are gone long before the moving truck arrives.
3. Employ the MoSCoW Method: Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have – essentially, go through all of your belongings and figure out what is absolutely necessary to your daily life (toiletries, tech products, etc.); what you would like to hold on to (toolboxes, important documents, etc.); what you could hold on to (that coat you bought that you’ve only worn once because it requires the perfect pair of shoes); and lastly, won’t have (the stuff that has been sitting in your room for weeks waiting to be thrown out). Then go back through your “should” and “could” piles and decide what needs to be moved to “must” or “won’t.” Keep doing this until you feel confident that your belongings are all sorted out.
4. Use small boxes for heavy items: Although it might be easier to put all of your heavy belongings into one box, think logistically – would you rather carry four hefty boxes or one insanely heavy box that you end up dropping on your way down the stairs? Do an extra trip to the car and spread out your heavy items.
5. Pack dishes vertically: Packing your dishes with soft items (think old blankets or socks) in between them and then stacking them vertically is the best/safest way to pack them so they are sure not to break.
6. Cover the top of your toiletries with plastic wrap and then screw the top on: This old school tip will ensure safe and spill-free transport.
7. Pack your absolute necessities in a clear box: Then, make sure to put that box is in a place that you can access easily (and won’t forget about). That way, you can always find it, and you’ll know exactly what’s inside of it.
8. Pack an overnight bag: Your first night in your new home can be hectic. Packing an overnight bag will relieve some stress when it is finally time to go to bed.
9. Stop buying groceries: You don’t want to be spending extra money on take-out, but you also don’t want to waste perfectly good food. Stop buying groceries at least a week before you leave. If you still have some unwanted food left over, you can donate certain items to Move for Hunger by simply scheduling a pick up.
10. Take pictures of the back of all of your electronics: This simple trick will help you remember how to set them up when you move into your new place.
11. Label your boxes room: Then, load the moving truck by room. Not only will it be easier to place the appropriate boxes in the appropriate rooms, it will be much easier to unpack.
12. Load all of your heaviest furniture into the truck first: Bonus – you can stack all of your lighter belongings on top of them.
13. Defrost and empty your refrigerator and freezer: Do this at least one day before your move to avoid moldy food and unnecessary energy bills.
14. Pick the RIGHT day to move: Moving has its season and busy day. The most economic time to move is in either fall or winter and on a weekday. However you must be wary of weather conditions and holidays. Pro Tip: Reports show that Tuesdays are the best day of the week to move!
15. Call in favors EARLY: If you want your friends to help you move, make sure to ask them plenty in advance (so they can’t back out). Don’t forget to treat them to some pizza (and maybe a little beer?)!
16. Map out your move: Nothing is worse than realizing you need bottles of water, paper towels, or scissors on move day. Familiarize yourself with your new neighborhood and make sure you know where the nearest Target or CVS is.
17. Plan your commute! Do you need an EZPass or money for tolls? Maybe you need to rent a hotel or plan to stop for gas? While you probably have a GPS at your disposal, you want to make sure you’re prepared.
18. Don’t leave empty spaces in boxes: Space in boxes is valuable! Fill in every gap with clothing or towels to keep boxes filled but light and easy to move.
19. Wrap your breakables: Duh! This goes without saying. But remember that you can also use clothing, sheets, or towels to wrap fragile items like dishes and glassware, helping to save money on bubble wrap and other packing supplies.
20. For extra padding: Pack your glasses and stemware in clean socks.
21. Protect your cosmetics: Place an extra cotton pad or ball into your powder cosmetics to keep them from breaking.
22. Keep sandwich bags handy: They’re useful for holding any small parts (think nuts, bolts, screws, etc.) of things you have to take apart, like curtain rods or mounted flat-screen TVs.
23. Reward your friends: Along with food and maybe a little alcohol, give your friends who help you move first dibs on anything you originally planned to sell or donate.
24. Fill the nail holes: Some landlords get really upset over the little things. Take the time to fill in the small nail holes in your walls with a bar of soap. It’s quick and easy and will save you a lot of hassle.
25. Keep important records with you: Literally on your person, nothing is worse than losing your ID or lease information during a move. Keep a backpack or bag handy with all the most important documents and be sure to keep it close to you.
26. Create a packing schedule: Do this ASAP and stick to it! You’ll thank yourself in the long run.
27. Make nice with your new neighbors: No one will be able to direct you around your new ‘hood better than the people who live next door to you. Say hello and become friends with as many of your new neighbors as possible.
28. Treat your movers. Using a moving company? Besides giving an adequate tip, be sure to take care of your movers throughout the day. Small gestures like providing bottles of water and taking care of their lunch show your appreciation. After all, moving is hard work!
29. Russian Doll those items! Nestle smaller items inside bigger ones. Even if they don’t necessarily go together, just make sure everything fits properly and will be easy to find during move-in day.
30. Secure a moving permit (if you need one): Did you know that some states require a moving permit? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out our blog post about permits and where to get one if needed.
Moving can be overwhelming, but if you follow these 30 tried and true moving tips, you’re next move should be your easiest yet!
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