Meet Updater: Ash Bell, EVP of Real Estate, Insurance Division

Everybody, say “hi” to Ash, our EVP of Real Estate at Updater’s Insurance Division! Read on to learn some fun facts about Ash, including his best piece of moving advice and his all-time favorite SNL skit.
Do you have any moving horror stories?
Every moving story is filled with horror unless you hire people to help you move. I am too old to be lifting my stuff – which is why I hire movers 🙂
What’s your best piece of moving advice?
Use Updater and hire movers while you sit back and enjoy a nice adult beverage!
What are two random/personal tidbits about you?
1. I love to shop.
2. The beach is my happy place.
Where did you grow up?
Van Wert, Ohio which is a town located in what was originally known as the “Black Swamp.” It’s just a couple hours from THE Ohio State University – I’m a GIANT Buckeyes fan (and yes, I have the belt buckle to prove it).

What’s the largest item you’ve ever had to carry on the subway?
My computer. And I don’t mean my laptop, I mean a full-on desktop computer.
How many times have you moved?
14 times… I wish I was joking, but it’s true.
You’re about to move. What would you make sure to never do again?
Ask my friends to help. They won’t be my friends much longer if I keep asking them to help. Hire a moving company!
What’s your favorite part about working for Updater?
What we are doing really makes a difference for people who are moving. While I enjoy the adventure, I’ll admit that all of my moves have been ridiculously stressful. The fact that we reduce that stress – and actually help – is pretty cool.
What’s your favorite Updater feature? Why?
Updating Accounts – it took me over 10 hours to do that the last time I moved. I have duplicated that in under 10-minutes on Updater. Wow!
What do you see as the biggest problem in the multifamily industry?
Communicating with residents as they move into their new apartment homes. There are so many simple ways to welcome residents in, whether it’s a welcome packet with everything they need to know about their new apartment or just taking the extra time to go and meet each of your residents to answer their questions.
What’s the best part about working on a small team?
I love our team. We all work really hard and truly enjoy spending time with one another. It’s great to work with people that push me to be the best team member I can be.
What motivates you to come to work everyday?
I love what I do. It doesn’t feel like work when you’re having this much fun!
What’s the first website/app you check in the morning?
Wodify. It’s an app for CrossFit to track work outs for that day and performance history.
If you were a food, what kind would you be? Why?
Pizza – because it is pizza.
What song best describes how you work?
All I Do Is Win by DJ Khaled because, well, all I do is win (I’ve been told I’m a bit competitive).
What do you do to unwind?
If human limbs could be made from one kind of substance (e.g. Jello), what would you choose for your own body? Why?
Steel – because I would be crazy strong.
If you could travel to work everyday on a vehicle without wheels (think: hovercraft, broom), what would you choose?
A magic carpet.
What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?
Cookout. Unfortunately for New Yorkers, you can only find them in the south, and unlike most fast food restaurants, they make everything cooked to order, and it’s completely delicious.
What are four things you can’t live without?
My iPhone, wine, my MacBook, and my ENO Hammock.
What’s your favorite Saturday Night Live skit?
Hans & Franz: Pumping You Up Home. Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon play Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body building cousins – it’s hysterical.