Meet Updater: Ashley Jucha, Client Success Manager

Where did you grow up?

Cleveland, Ohio.

How many times have you moved?

I’ve moved eight times personally, and twice for work.

Do you have a moving horror story?

I lead a corporate move for a company of 12. Sounds manageable, right? Wrong! It consisted of three weeks of sorting through 20 years of paperwork, $1,400 worth of shredding services, five trips to and from 1-800-GOT-JUNK, and moving almost 1,000 bankers boxes. With six movers and hundreds of elevator trips, this move-in day lasted a total of 15 hours — two of which were spent solely trying to find NYC street parking for the moving truck. And let’s not forget the massive $20K printer that didn’t fit in the elevator!

What are two personal tidbits about you?

I love to travel as long as I can be under the sun and by the water. I also can’t eat anything without hot sauce!

What’s your favorite thing about working at Updater?

The progressive non-typical work environment, and the consistency in the way everyone is transparent and thoughtful towards each other. Also, the cold brew definitely doesn’t hurt!

How did you come to work at Updater?

I matched with Updater on a resume vetting service. I wasn’t specifically looking for a new job, but as I went through the interview process I realized it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up!

What’s the best part about working on a small team?

It’s easier to consistently share ideas and bring them to fruition. It makes you feel valuable. Coordinating regular meetings, keeping in touch, and cross training are all easier with a small group.  

What’s your go-to afternoon sugar rush?

Lately, it’s been Gushers. My teeth will thank me later!

In your opinion, what NYC borough is the best borough? Why?

Brooklyn may be prettier, but Queens has the best food.

What three words describe you best?

Funny, empathetic, conscientious.

You’re throwing a dinner party and can invite anyone you want (dead or alive), but you can only invite five people. Who gets a seat at your table and what do you cook?

Andy Cohen, Amy Schumer, Jackie Kennedy, Anthony Bourdain and the Mona Lisa. I need to know who she is and if she’s actually smiling! What’s for dinner? Well, that’s why I invited Anthony Bourdain.

What’s your favorite book?

Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger

What’s your favorite quote?

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”  — Winston Churchill

If you were a food, what food would you be? Why?

Wine because it gets better with age!

What four things can you not live without?

Leggings, Mexican food, my husband, and my beagle, Benny.

You just joined the circus, what’s your talent?

Oh, I’m avoiding the circus. I’m terrified of clowns.

Have you ever gotten really lost? What happened?

I’ve lost count, I’m terrible with directions. The GPS is a gift I cherish.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Into the Mystic, by Van Morrison

What’s the largest item you’ve ever had to carry on the subway?

A lamp!