Celebrating… Updater Onesie Day!

We work hard here at Updater, but where’s the fun in “all work and no play?” While our days may typically be filled with conference calls, client meetings, and good ‘ol tech work, today, things were a bit more… colorful.


Well, we missed National Onesie Day on October 9th, so, we decided to create (and aggressively celebrate) Updater Onesie Day! We had some confused office floor-mates when they spotted us in the hallways, but it was all in good fun. Check out some pictures from this awesome day.

Most of our NYC team joined in! We’re partial to the pizza getup in the front row.
Brittany the dinosaur and Ryan the alligator in battle.
How many people can fit on a LoveSac? (9)
Working in a onesie… NBD.
Our intern, Jake, crushing his dog onesie.