How to Recruit Moving Truck Drivers — The Ultimate Guide

Learning how to recruit moving truck drivers is no easy feat. Hiring quality employees is a challenge for any employer, but even more so for the moving and relocation industry.
As hard as it is to believe, the trucking industry — across the board — is experiencing a dearth of qualified drivers. The effect this has on the moving industry, however, is tenfold. If you own or work for a moving company, you’re probably already feeling the pinch. But why is this? And how can you recruit truck drivers in a more efficient way?
Opposed to your typical big rig or delivery truck drivers, drivers completing long hauls cross country for moving companies face considerably longer hours, more backbreaking work, and difficult customer service requests. Consequently, moving truck drivers are fleeing the industry for more favorable, less seasonal driving gigs for companies such as FedEx.
This has left moving companies scrambling to continuously recruit and hire new drivers. If you’re part of the industry, none of this is news to you, and we feel your pain. Being in a constant state of recruiting, hiring, training, and then re-hiring, isn’t fun. If you feel you’re destined for a continuous Groundhog Day of hiring, you’re not. Enter the newest eBook to the Updater library, where we promise to teach you exactly how to recruit the best and most reliable moving truck drivers in the industry.
Since we want nothing more than to see the moving industry succeed, we’ve taken what we’ve learned as a high-growth company (that recruits and hires A LOT of people) to compile the ultimate guide to hiring and recruiting moving truck drivers. You’re welcome.
In this eBook, How to Recruit Moving Truck Drivers — The Ultimate Guide, we focus on tips and tricks to help you effectively recruit and hire the best drivers in the biz.
You’ll learn:
Why the industry is suffering from a moving truck driver shortage
Critical steps to revamp your hiring strategy
Precise, clear-cut action items to achieve effective, long-term driver retention
13 concrete strategies that will improve your ROI
Since helping you succeed is our top priority, we focus on helping you actualize these changes. Because, everyone, especially the hardworking folks that keep us moving (and our belongings safe), deserves a helping hand. So let’s get you on your way to learning how to recruit moving truck drivers!

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