Updater is Bozzuto’s secret weapon for stress-free move-ins at multiple communities

Move-ins can feel like a whirlwind. Unless, of course, you’re Nelson Eusebio, Leasing Manager at Cobalt Lofts, Steel Works, and The WyldesBozzuto properties. 

Nelson found his secret weapon in Updater Pro | Onboarding — in a world where paperwork and miscommunication can bog down the process. The app, he says, has made move-ins a walk in the park for residents.

Nelson transitioned from traditional leasing in NYC to on-site leasing and quickly learned the ins and outs of managing multiple communities. No easy feat. 

The most difficult part of managing move-ins, he says, is “Applicants following the listed directions, with regard to docs.” What does that look like? Residents not submitting the proper documents, providing incorrect information, and not adhering to submission due dates.  

Enter Updater, which has taken much of the guesswork out of his paperwork-heavy process, making sure residents are on track and have completed their paperwork prior to a move-in date.

Nelson shares that Updater has also significantly cut down back-and-forth email communication, and has helped his team stay on track even on the busiest of days. 

“On occasions where our team can be overwhelmed and certain communications may slip through the cracks, Updater’s automation keeps the process moving,” Nelson adds. 

His favorite feature? The move-in costs breakdown. It gives residents a clear view of what’s owed and helps keep confusion and surprise charges to a minimum. 

“Creating an easier move-in experience allows for a more relaxed resident,” Nelson says. And that’s exactly what Updater does—it makes residents feel like they’ve been taken care of from day one, paving the way for a stress-free start at their new home.