Updater reduces work for community managers, increases resident happiness

Across the country, community managers are finding they have something new in common — efficiency. And it’s all because of Updater | Pro Onboarding.

We interviewed two assistant community managers — Jessica Spriggs, of The Griffon Vero Beach, and Jessica Gonzalez, of Marcella Memorial Heights, and both women say Updater has drastically reduced their workload and improved the move-in experience for residents.

Time-saver for move-ins

Before Updater, Spriggs says move-in management was time-consuming, taking between 7-10 hours a week. 

“I had dreamed of something like Updater for years. It is seriously awesome. It takes a huge mental load off of the application process internally, which is something very significant in our industry,” she explains, adding that it allows her team to focus on more critical tasks, like securing new leases and assisting residents. And since using the Updater app, only about 1 in 10 future residents call with questions, creating a massive reduction in communication overhead.

“We wear many hats, and get many different situations thrown our way every day. Having the peace of mind that the residents are well taken care of — with a streamlined move-in process that we don’t have to manually manage — is huge,” she says. “Our residents also really love using Updater to manage their move-in. It elevates their experience overall.” 

Gonzales says her move-in management time has been cut down to two hours per week. Before Updater, her primary challenge was ensuring that residents had all necessary information and documents ready. Now, residents can stay on-task and complete their move-in checklist on time, streamlining the entire process.

More efficient operations

The effects of Updater are also bringing a newfound sense of efficiency to communities. 

Spriggs, who used to send her welcome letters manually — often with back-and-forth emails — now uses Updater’s automated features, meaning her team can manage more move-ins at once.

Gonzalez echoed this, saying that the solution, “Just makes it easier for us and for the future residents.” One feature she particularly appreciates is the ability for residents to check off tasks as they are completed, making tracking much simpler.

A major boost in resident satisfaction

Both managers have observed a notable increase in resident satisfaction. Spriggs says that one resident shared how they’d never completed their move-in paperwork so quickly, and another commented on how quickly their tasks were approved — which reduced tons of stress and anxiety for the resident during their move. 

Gonzalez has also received positive resident feedback about Updater — something she values immensely, as residents who are satisfied at move-in are 59% more likely to renew their leases (KingsleySurveys, 2018).

The future of Updater

No matter where your community is, or how large, Updater is quickly becoming an essential tool for  community managers. And when significant reductions in workload and enhanced resident experiences are the end game, everyone wins — managers and residents alike!