Meet Updater: Alexis Zerafa, Video Content Intern

Meet Updater’s first-ever Video Content Intern, Alexis! In addition to studying at NYU, Alexis is also a veteran survivor of the dreaded move within NYC and a lover of languages. See what she loves about interning at Updater and what motivates her to come to the office every day.

Where do you go to school? What are you studying?

I’m currently studying Integrated Digital Media (Computer Science and Digital Arts) at New York University!

What brought you to Updater?

When I discovered that Updater was looking for a video content intern, I decided to research the company a little bit. I really felt like the company culture was a great fit for me, and I was right! Everyone is so wonderful and I’m happy to have already met so many driven, interesting people.

Do you have a moving horror story to share?

Well, moving within Manhattan is a horror story in itself. But when I was moving into my current apartment, the couch that was supposed to fit perfectly through the door didn’t. So a couple of days and 3 fragmented pieces of a perfectly good couch later, my living room was furnished.

How has Updater helped grow your skills?

I’m already seeing huge improvements in my video production skills. And getting so many different, great perspectives on how I should try certain things has really broadened my creative mindset.

So far, what’s your favorite part of this internship?

Honestly, Updater’s new office absolutely blew me away. It’s such a beautiful and open space and I look forward to coming to work every day!

Alexis in front of our brand-new mural.

What makes Updater a unique place to work?

The energy feels different from any company I’ve been with before. Everyone seems to genuinely love each other and so much seems to get done with such a small team of people. Every person here has a unique set of skills and strengths that complement the forward movement of our company goals.

What are 2 things people may not know about you?

I design tattoos but I’m terrified of needles, and I speak 4 languages horribly (English included).