Meet Updater: Bridget Overson, Email Marketing Operations Manager


Please say hello to Bridget Overson, Updater’s Email Marketing Operations Manager, aka in-house Iterable expert for all the marketers out there. Bridget grew up in Weare, New Hampshire, loves dogs, has moved at least 11 times but lost count, and is a huge reader – share your favorite Kindle read with her in the comments below.

Bridget, let’s kick this off with 2 things most people don’t know about you.

I own a small soap company and I brew my own kombucha.

Wow, you do a lot – email, soap, kombucha, dog mom. As a kid, which of those did you want to be when you grew up?

Actually, I wanted to be a veterinarian. 

You still have time. But, for now, what’s your favorite thing about working at Updater?

It’s so obvious that the people at Updater truly and genuinely care about each other.

We sure do – and, what do you love about your team?

My team is the User Engagement team – our job is to engage our users with the right things at the right moments in the move lifecycle. It’s great to be part of a small team that’s both agile and growing. 

What motivates you to come to work every day?

I like facing challenges and solving problems – this job lets me do that while feeling like I’m making a difference.

Does anything keep you up at night? 

Yes, working out all the complex logic that ensures our users get the right experience at the right time on the right device. 

Sounds complex. To that end, do you have a favorite quote that keeps you going?

“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” That’s Franz Kafka.

Love that. Let’s shift gears a bit – do you have a moving horror story?

So many! Maybe it was the time my sofa fell off the back of my dad’s truck, or maybe it was the time I moved two dogs and a cat 1,000 miles away in my Mini Cooper. Either way, I always seem to be moving on the hottest day of the year.

Those summer moves are killers. What’s your best piece of moving advice?

Eventually, there will come a day when your dad won’t help you move anymore.

LOL. What’s the largest item you’ve ever carried on public transportation?

Ever try to move a mattress with yourself and one other person? Don’t.

What do you do to relax after one of your many moves?

Eat tacos and read. I’m into at least two, if not three, books at any given time. I have classics on my Kindle for nighttime reading, some modern fiction, and a nonfiction of some sort at all times.

And, since we covered nighttime reading, what’s the first app you check in the morning?

Usually whichever one has notifications for me. I’m an inbox zero kind of girl.

More photos of Bridget and her Pupdaters here: