Meet Updater: Bumhan Yu, Brand Designer

Meet Updater’s Brand Designer, Bumhan Yu! When B is not training for marathons or chasing around his 1-year-old daughter, he’s making all things Updater look out of this world! We caught up with “B” to find out more about his Lucky Charms obsession and what sold him on working at Updater.
Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in the city of Seoul, Korea. I’m an urban soul.
What are two personal tidbits about you?
I have flat feet and very flexible fingers. I am also lactose intolerant, but I drink milk anyway.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A Kung Fu master!
How many times have you moved?
In my entire lifetime? Perhaps around 10 to 12, I’ve lost count. But in my 11 years in New York, I’ve moved four times.
You’re about to move, what advice would you give yourself this time around?
Measure every square inch of your new space before you move.

How did you come to work at Updater?
I took a year-long break from working full-time after my last gig and focused my energy towards taking care of my family. As I started to look for open positions, I was notified about this new role at Updater through a recruiter. There was an immediate connection when meeting with Jenna and Amanda. After my full day at the office, I was sold. There was a positive vibe, smart and energetic people, and meaningful problems to solve.
What motivates you to come to work every day?
The fact that I’m making a continuous contribution to the core mission at Updater gives me peace of mind. I’ve worked in bigger agencies where you’re just working on multiple different projects until your clients’ contracts are up. Working as an in-house designer, I love the sense of accountability and ownership I have, while still being able to wear many different hats.
It’s the zombie apocalypse, where do you hide?
I don’t. I’d rather just give in and join the crowd!
What’s your favorite quote?
“Complaints are silly; either act or forget.” — Stefan Sagmeister
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I’d pick something instrumental like Breezin’, by George Benson.
If you could travel to work every day on a vehicle without wheels (think: hovercraft, broom), what would you choose?
A cloud.
What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?

What are four things you can’t live without?
My wife (not a “thing,” but still), coffee, my computer, and pencils.
What’s your favorite Updater memory?
I had this huge craving for Lucky Charms. Every week the office puts in an Amazon Fresh order, so of course, I request Lucky Charms. There was one fateful week where they didn’t come in and I was dying to have them. Ricki (our People Experience Coordinator) ended up ordering me double the amount for next time and even sent them with a personalized message. My day was made!
What’s your favorite part about living in NYC?
When I came to NYC, I was sick and tired of everything Korean at the time. There was this high expectation of following social norms so you never wanted to diverge too much. I still remember the day I arrived, Wednesday, August 29th, 2007 at 7:30 PM. From my first taxi cab, to my hostel in Harlem, to walking on the street the next day, I felt like I could blend in instantly. There’s this great level of comfort in blending in, and no one caring about what you do or what you look like. That’s what I love about NYC.