Cast Your Vote – Updater for 2016 AMSA Summit Award
Our “Oscars” have arrived. That’s right friends, Updater is a finalist for the 2016 AMSA Summit Award and we’d love your support. This highly-coveted award recognizes outstanding achievements by a supplier member in the moving and storage industry.
So, it’s time to break out your ballots and vote – our fate now rests with you! See below for voting instructions!
Ready to vote for Updater?
1. Visit the AMSA Summit Award submission form.
2. You’ll need to fill out a very short section about Updater and, unfortunately, we can’t pre-fill it for you. Here’s the info to copy and paste:
Street Address: 1140 Broadway, Suite 905
City, State, ZIP: New York, NY 10001
Phone: 888-415-8925
Email: [email protected]
Product/Service: Technology
3. Submit directly online. If you have trouble, please contact [email protected] or Racquel Codling at AMSA, [email protected].
We appreciate your support and would be honored to have your vote!