How does EarthLink compare to Xfinity internet?

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EarthLink and Xfinity both offer customers unlimited data and a variety of speed packages to suit different kinds of internet use and household needs. Neither company throttles their internet speeds after you’ve used a certain amount, making them solid options for individuals and families.
We’ve gathered detailed information about EarthLink and Xfinity, including who their plans work for, how they compare, what others have to say about them, and their pricing and packages to help you make an informed decision as to which provider works best for you.
- Who EarthLink and Xfinity internet are for
- Key considerations
- What others say about EarthLink and Xfinity internet
- How do EarthLink and Xfinity internet packages compare?
Who EarthLink and Xfinity internet are for
When comparing EarthLink vs Xfinity internet, both provide similar services. You may find that Xfinity is a better choice for budget-minded users and EarthLink is a better choice for those who would like more speed options. Xfinity’s pricing varies by region, but in the Western US you can get 50Mbps for $19.99/month, Central US customers can get 50Mbps for $30/month, and Northeast customers pay $49.99 for 200Mbps. By comparison, EarthLink’s introductory price is higher than all of these plans, with a cost of $59.95/month.
EarthLink offers more speed options, allowing you to choose from 24Mbps, 50Mbps, 100Mbps, and 1000Mbps. On the other hand, Xfinity has more speed tiers with 50Mbps, 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 300Mbps, 400Mbps, 600Mbps, 800Mbps, 900Mbps and 1200Mbps available, depending on your location.
If you’re a gamer, you might enjoy the faster speeds offered by Xfinity, such as their Blast! Internet plan, which offers 400Mbps. EarthLink may be a better choice for users that want an affordable price without having to be locked in for an extended period of time. For instance, even though their fastest offering, 1000Mbps speed at $99.95/month, costs more than what Xfinity charges for 1200Mbps ($79/month), you have to stay with Xfinity for two years or more to get that price. So, for users who want the freedom of being able to switch internet service more frequently, EarthLink may be the way to go.
Key considerations
One of the biggest differences between EarthLink and Xfinity is the speeds they offer for base-level services. Xfinity’s lowest speed offering is 50Mbps for $19.99/month (in the Western US) while EarthLink’s lowest advertised speed is 50Mbps for $49.95/month.*
However, outside of differences in speed the plans you get with either provider are similar. For instance, you don’t have to worry about data caps or throttled speeds with either Xfinity or EarthLink.
What others say about EarthLink and Xfinity internet
Reviewers have positive things to say about both Xfinity and EarthLink. For example, CNET noted that Earthlink’s internet service does tend to be more expensive than other ISPs, but that the company offers transparent pricing and good service terms.
Xfinity earns accolades for its speed, with CNET commenting that Xfinity is widely available to around one-third of the US, and for those who can get it, offers some of the fastest internet speeds on the market.
How do EarthLink and Xfinity internet packages compare?
*Pricing varies by location and availability. Speeds may vary. All prices subject to change; for current pricing and availability visit our internet service page. Prices as of 1/31/22.
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