How does Optimum compare to Xfinity internet?

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Optimum and Xfinity internet both offer speeds as fast as 1000Mbps, making either ISP a good choice for a wide range of users. Xfinity’s prices tend to be higher, with their entry-level 200Mbps plan costing $39.99/month, while Optimum’s most basic plan costs $44.99/month and gives you 300Mbps. With both companies, you can use as much data as you’d like, and neither of them throttles your speed after you’ve downloaded a certain amount.
We’ve gathered the details you need to know more about the kinds of users their plans work well for, how Optimum and Xfinity compare, what reviewers think, and look at pricing and packages side-by-side.
- Who Optimum and Xfinity internet are for
- Key considerations
- What others say about Optimum and Xfinity internet
- How do Optimum and Xfinity internet packages compare?
Who Optimum and Xfinity internet are for
When comparing Xfinity vs. Optimum, both are good options for users who need fast internet, such as gamers and households that have several users streaming content at the same time. Even their most basic plans provide enough bandwidth for multiple users to do data-heavy work, play, or enjoy some binge-watching.
For consumers that would like more speed package options, Xfinity may be a better choice. They offer five packages including Performance, Performance Pro, Blast!, Extreme Pro and Gigabit, while Optimum has three: Optimum 300, 500, and 1 Gig.
For households that need more speed, Xfinity’s Gigabit is a strong choice offering 1200Mbps for $89.99.
It’s also important to note that Optimum may only be a viable choice for those that live in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut because the company only serves those states. Alternatively, Xfinity has a far larger footprint and is available in 40 states.
Key considerations
Comparing Optimum and Xfinity internet, both offer similar speeds with the exception of Optimum’s entry-level offering of 300Mbps compared to Xfinity’s 200Mbps basic plan. Their biggest differentiators, in addition to the areas they serve, are their prices. Optimum is considerably less expensive than Xfinity. For example, the Optimum 1 Gig plan costs $84.99/month while the comparable Gigabit plan by Xfinity is $89.99/month. Similarly, Xfinity’s Blast! Internet costs users $69.99/month and provides 400Mbps, while the Optimum 500 plan costs $64.99/month and offers 25% more speed.
What others say about Optimum and Xfinity internet
While Optimum, with its low prices and high speeds, earns praise for being a strong option for users in its four-state service area, reviewers point out that their offerings may not be as appealing in the long run. According to CNET, prices and speeds change frequently and without warning, and the reason for the price increases isn’t always clear.
Xfinity reviews reveal similar pricing issues. For instance, according to CNET, while low initial costs might draw in customers, the prices tend to increase over time — sometimes by as much as double the initial price.
How do Optimum and Xfinity internet packages compare?
*Pricing varies by location and availability. Speeds may vary. All prices subject to change; for current pricing and availability visit our internet service page. Prices as of 1/26/22.
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