The New Era of Self-Storage for Every Lifestyle

You need storage, but you probably don’t know it. Manhattan Mini Storage, a full-service storage haven for New Yorkers living in increasingly close quarters, understands that a person’s lifestyle may be what determines their storage needs — not necessarily their belongings. Through Manhattan Mini Storage’s partnership with Updater, full-service storage customers can have an easier time with all parts of their move — from updating accounts to forwarding mail and beyond.
We spoke with Meghan Weber, Creative Director of Edison Properties (the parent company of Manhattan Mini Storage), about the role of technology in self-storage, Manhattan Mini Storage’s kinship with New Yorkers, and their groundbreaking ads.
Why do you think Manhattan Mini Storage is so beloved in Manhattan?
We believe Manhattan Mini Storage is so beloved because of the New York values we have. We have strong opinions on issues and we’re never afraid to voice them. We connect to other New Yorkers and encourage them to speak their minds and stand up for their values too.
Manhattan Mini Storage has incredible ads that are both parts edgy and thoughtful. Can you give us a little bit of background on these creative ad campaigns?
First, thank you! Our ads are proudly done in-house and they are often inspired by current events and what we have to say about them. We have notoriously spoken out on issues that involve the LGBTQ community, women’s rights, and local NYC government. We also have a lot of fun with our ads, whether it’s poking fun at the Mets or one of our all-time favorites… “NYC: Tolerant of your beliefs, judgmental of your shoes.” And in 2016, we had even more to talk about since it was an election year.

What is one thing you wish more people knew about self-storage?
That storage isn’t a store-it-and-forget-it experience. Especially not in Manhattan; storage allows New Yorkers living in small spaces to pursue their passions. Think of it as extra square footage for your NYC apartment.
Also, the space is only accessible to you. It is your lock, your key, and your unit. We constantly hear how impressed our customers are with the cleanliness and security of our locations and the friendliness of our staff.
How do you think technology is changing the way renters and homeowners view and use self-storage?
With many digital storage solutions now available, many customers think it’s a direct apples-to-apples comparison. While some people are seasonal storage customers, many people need access to their unit more frequently, sometimes daily. For some, a digital solution is exactly what they need. For others, going and visiting their stuff is more of a priority than they realize. Also, through constant improvements to our website, we are always looking to educate those in need of storage.
People store for many different reasons. We try to be as useful and helpful through our digital experience as possible in order to assist our new clients — some who never knew what storage entails. We are always accessible by phone or in person at our locations, but we understand that there are those who love to research the best options for themselves online. We make that possible.

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