Making Preferred Providers More Personal

As a partner of Updater, you know how valuable client experience is to your bottom line. With high expectations for support, clients rely on their real estate professionals to make the home-buying or selling process seamless every step of the way. Updater’s Local Guide feature takes client experience a step further, enhancing your ability to showcase your expertise and accommodation. Being your clients’ best resource and helping them explore their new neighborhood through local partnerships is a win-win for everyone.

While our brokerage partners have always had the ability to display the company’s preferred providers within Updater’s Local Guide, this functionality has not been available to our partners at the individual agent or professional level – until now! Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of a new feature that will allow real estate professionals to display their own preferred providers within our app.

Real estate professionals can input their own providers and referrals (in addition to what has already been added by their brokerage) through their Professional Dashboard, making them visible to their clients within Updater’s Local Guide.

How it works

For Brokerages

We understand that recommended provider relationships are valuable at the corporate-level. Therefore, this feature gives you the ability to turn on or off your agents’ or professionals’ ability to add their own. You can decide if you’d like to show corporate relationships, agent/professional relationships, or both.

This feature will remain off until you opt to turn it on. If you would like to turn agent or professional-level providers on, please send an email to [email protected] and a member of our Success Team will enable this new functionality for you.

If you decide to participate and your agents utilize this new feature, their recommendations will appear within their clients’ Local Guide first, with brokerage recommendations appearing subsequently. There is no specific language denoting to the client who is recommending each provider shown.

With this feature enabled, you will have the ability to view and edit all providers entered by your agents, should you need to make any changes. You can manage this within your Company Dashboard.

For Real Estate Professionals

We’ve made it easier for you to create a more personalized and engaging Local Guide for your clients, emphasizing your commitment to supporting them throughout their move and establishing yourself as their local expert.

Adding recommended providers to your clients’ Local Guide can be done in just a few simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Recommended Providers” tab within your Pro Account.

  2. Input the proper information including name, logo, relevant discounts, and contact information.

  3. Click “save” and… voila! Your clients can now view and interact with your recommended providers within their Local Guide.

You can get started today by logging into your Updater Pro Account!

As always, if you’re an Updater partner and have additional questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to [email protected] or your Success Manager directly.